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Some of what you can do on TacoShack

Manage Your TacoShack 💰

Make money by increasing your hourly income!
Buy upgrades to increase income!
Hire employees to make more tacos!
Work yourself to make some side cash!
Collect tips from the tip jar!
Edit your menu to attract customers!
Clean your Shack to keep customers happy!
Purchase Boosts to help increase revenue!
Gamble money as a side hustle!

Compete 🏅

Become the highest on the leaderboard by selling the most tacos!
Compete to become the richest player!
Work more shifts than any other Shack owner!
Upgrade, expand and more to have the highest income!
Keep your /daily streak the longest out of any Shack Owner!

Create a Franchise 🏦

Join up with your friends and other shacks to create a Franchise!
Promote your members to new positions
Compete on the 5 leaderboards to become the best Franchise
Compete in events with your Franchise to win prizes
Work together to better your Franchise